About Ultranet1

We’re rethinking energy networks in big, bold ways. Ultranet1 is a small startup in Boulder, Colorado, that invents and builds advanced networks using smart contracts to create energy networks and social marketplaces. Both can help people save money, make impacts, and gain control over energy.

Our IP and development group has a deep understanding of unmet consumer energy needs, a strong patent portfolio that covers energy networking and rewards, and extensive experience developing networks and consumer products/markets. Our strong new tech background is accompanied by a demonstrable track record of achievements developing innovative products, services and networks at Fortune 500’s and startups.

Network pioneers, strategists, product managers, and system architects may find our work especially pertinent as they seek to innovate and transform and create new energy experiences and products and services.

Please reach out via our contact form to learn more, or grab a coffee with us in Boulder.

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